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Thursday, April 06, 2006

IST 759 Planning and Creating a Digital Library with David Lankes

I've been taking IST 759 Planning and Designing Digital Library Services with David Lankes this spring semester at Syracuse. I've learned a LOT of things in this class. I think the one main thing I've learned is to not be afraid of technology, and even more than that, don't be afraid to LEARN technology.

For the final project of this class, we were asked to create a portfolio. The portfolio will be used to display all of the technologies we've used in this class. It will show its installation and use, and we will be graded accordingly.

In this class, we were introduced to various open source technologies:
Apache Friends - XAMPP (which is a WAMP environment - Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP)
Sphider - a lightweight search engine in PHP
WordPress Free Blog Software
Using these applications, all open source, we were to develop a digital library.
I've given some information on each of the applications, and have also added some screen shots of the work I've done. We were also asked to create a portfolio which will be graded.


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